Friday, June 22, 2007

hey guys

the plan for this year's FLAG is that besides the mundane trudging around sg to beg people for donations, med fac's gonna have PERFORMERS stationed at select corners to provide entertainment for the public (and of course to solicit donations)

this is a call for PERFORMERS, not limited to bands,
-bands (doesnt have to be your usual rock bands, you might even want to be creative and come up with a quartet or erhu ensemble..)
-acapella groups?
-breakdancing crews
-sword-swallowers & fire-eaters
yeah these are just a few ideas....up to you guys to get together and think of stuff.

you'll need to email:
1. approx no. of performers
2. genre of performance
3. equipment needed(we're not sure yet if you have to procure it yourselves.. )
4. a contact number and email for the group.

deadline for signup is JULY 4, 2007.
i know some people are overseas, try to confirm with them somehow...telegram/email/facebook over or something.
email me to sign up, please put "flag07 busking" as your subject. use same email and subject if you have queries, thanks.

enjoy the rest of the holidays :)

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