Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mugging with friends..

Keep going mates.. 

The end of the tunnel is in sight, and we shall soon see the light!

(only to find that it's an oncoming train.)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Goodbye M2

Today I sat down and wondered what happened.

Mark Taylor’s wit and ‘Oh ****, I’m dying’, Bian Jinsong’s shameless declaration that he’s ‘the expert’, Fred Wong’s lopsided smile and ironically straight-faced, ‘Remember these are coloured. Not reflected in the black and white notes. So don’t tell those who didn’t come to class’, Jonk’s diligent photography and cool music, Ying Liang’s ‘today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day day after tomorrow…will be free days’, Glenn’s operatic ‘Happy Birthday’, Louis’ wonderful birthday slides on his friends, Medicine winning MedLaw challenge, M2 Playhouse bringing down the house with unconventional themes and an award winning cast, OT2’s drama and fine performance, Genetics lectures which really took the wind out of everyone (I say Ying Liang sleeping), hanging out with friends, making new friends, going through an unending barrage of CAs and still in one piece, certain Profs and their distinguishable accents, learning how to influence patients to agree with you, the first time I’ve seen yahoogroups file section spammed with notes from so many good people, seeing Kai Liang in his mceeing element entertaining the elderly during Xin Nian Kuai Le, drawing 'first blood' with a lancet…

I’ll miss M2. Miss all the friends who I’ll see only once or twice a week. Miss all the good memories. Stay strong, work hard, keep the faith, share the love.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

M2: Reminiscence

Most of the photographs were taken by me, with some photographs by Sarah Low (Rockstar Supernova) and Liwei (M3).

Feeling very spent after all this.. Guess it's been worth it.

"How many special people change?
How many live are living strange?
Where were you when we were getting high?"

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ethics: doing the right thing, not doing things right

Sometimes we have to make a stand, even though others may be doing otherwise.

One of our last times as M2s in LT 28..

Thanks for being cooperative today! Sorry for the trouble.
We almost got everybody into the frame, and if only we could have had a tighter pack, we could have had more resolution in our picture.

I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It's pretty awesome to see everybody looking so happy.


And as long as there are people who know no shame, I'll always have a source of blackmail (read: good income) in time to come.

Love you all. Thanks for being such a motley crew of talented, intelligent and very good people, not to mention also the biggest twits of all time.

- jonk.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life.
- Lord Byron
Happy Valentine's Day <333

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008


what color am i?, originally uploaded by kaly-licious.


Friday, February 1, 2008

And they call it puppy love..

And they call it puppy love.., originally uploaded by jonkk.

Valentine's Day is coming...